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Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g
Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g
Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g
Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g
Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g
Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g
Proganics Organic Greens Plus Probiotics Chocolate 300g

This delicious, chocolate-flavoured greens powder makes getting your daily veggies easy and enjoyable. Packed with seven powerhouse super greens, it detoxifies, strengthens immunity, and supports digestion. 



  • Seven Super Greens Blend - A potent mix of the best seven greens including alfalfa, barley grass, wheatgrass, kale, broccoli, chlorella, and spirulina.
  • Natural Chocolate Flavour - Enhanced with organic cocoa and cacao for a pleasing chocolate taste.
  • Sweetened with Organic Monk Fruit - Uses a natural sweetener that leaves no aftertaste.
  • Live Plant-Based Probiotics - Contains 500 million heat-stable live probiotics per serve
  • Certified Organic and Non-GMO - Free from synthetic additives and genetically modified organisms.
  • Easy to Prepare - Simply mix with water, smoothies, or incorporate into baked goods.
  • Suitable for the Entire Family - Safe and beneficial for all ages.




  • Detoxification and Alkalization - Helps remove toxins and reduce acidity in the body, promoting better health and preventing chronic diseases.
  • Boosts Immunity - The nutrient-rich greens support a strong immune system.

  • Supports Healthy Digestion - The fibre and probiotics improve gut health, aiding digestion and preventing gastrointestinal issues.

  • No Sugar Highs or Lows - Being naturally sweetened, it does not cause sugar spikes, making it suitable for diabetics and those monitoring their sugar intake.

  • Quality Assurance - Organic certification ensures high standards of quality and safety without harmful chemicals or pesticides.

  • Convenience - Quick and easy to prepare, making it ideal for busy lifestyles and ensuring daily nutrient intake.

  • Family-Friendly - A healthful addition to every family member's diet, supporting overall health and well-being.




  • Organic Cocoa: Rich in polyphenols, especially flavanols, which support heart health by improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. It also boosts mood, reduces inflammation, and provides key minerals like magnesium.

  • Organic Alfalfa Powder: Packed with vitamins (A, C, E, K, B) and minerals like calcium and iron. It supports digestion, detoxification, bone health, and has been traditionally used to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.

  • Organic Barley Grass: A nutrient-dense superfood high in vitamins A, C, and E, along with essential minerals. It aids digestion, supports immune and cardiovascular health, and has detoxifying properties.

  • Organic Wheat Grass: Known for its high chlorophyll content, it detoxifies, boosts oxygen supply to tissues, supports immune function, and aids digestion by regulating metabolism.

  • Organic Broccoli Powder: Rich in vitamins C and K, fibre, and antioxidants like sulforaphane, it supports immune health, digestion, and may reduce cancer risk and inflammation.

  • Organic Kale: A superfood high in vitamins A, C, and K, fibre, and antioxidants. It supports digestion, heart health, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Organic Chlorella: A nutrient-rich algae known for detoxification, immune support, and providing essential nutrients like B12 and antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress.

  • Organic Spirulina: High in protein, vitamins, and antioxidants like phycocyanin. It supports immune health, reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, and helps manage diabetes.

  • Organic Monk Fruit Extract: A natural, zero-calorie sweetener rich in antioxidants, it doesn’t spike blood sugar and has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

  • Probiotic (Bacillus coagulans): A resilient probiotic that supports gut health, boosts immunity, and helps treat IBS symptoms, promoting balanced digestion and nutrient absorption.


How to use: 

Mix one tablespoon (10g) with 250mL of cold water, juice, coconut water, or your favourite morning drink. Stir and Enjoy.



FDA Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with your healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Individual results from the use of these products may vary and are not guaranteed.

This delicious, chocolate-flavoured greens powder makes getting your daily veggies easy and enjoyable. Packed with seven powerhouse super greens, it detoxifies, strengthens immunity, and supports digestion. 



  • Seven Super Greens Blend - A potent mix of the best seven greens including alfalfa, barley grass, wheatgrass, kale, broccoli, chlorella, and spirulina.
  • Natural Chocolate Flavour - Enhanced with organic cocoa and cacao for a pleasing chocolate taste.
  • Sweetened with Organic Monk Fruit - Uses a natural sweetener that leaves no aftertaste.
  • Live Plant-Based Probiotics - Contains 500 million heat-stable live probiotics per serve
  • Certified Organic and Non-GMO - Free from synthetic additives and genetically modified organisms.
  • Easy to Prepare - Simply mix with water, smoothies, or incorporate into baked goods.
  • Suitable for the Entire Family - Safe and beneficial for all ages.




  • Detoxification and Alkalization - Helps remove toxins and reduce acidity in the body, promoting better health and preventing chronic diseases.
  • Boosts Immunity - The nutrient-rich greens support a strong immune system.

  • Supports Healthy Digestion - The fibre and probiotics improve gut health, aiding digestion and preventing gastrointestinal issues.

  • No Sugar Highs or Lows - Being naturally sweetened, it does not cause sugar spikes, making it suitable for diabetics and those monitoring their sugar intake.

  • Quality Assurance - Organic certification ensures high standards of quality and safety without harmful chemicals or pesticides.

  • Convenience - Quick and easy to prepare, making it ideal for busy lifestyles and ensuring daily nutrient intake.

  • Family-Friendly - A healthful addition to every family member's diet, supporting overall health and well-being.




  • Organic Cocoa: Rich in polyphenols, especially flavanols, which support heart health by improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. It also boosts mood, reduces inflammation, and provides key minerals like magnesium.

  • Organic Alfalfa Powder: Packed with vitamins (A, C, E, K, B) and minerals like calcium and iron. It supports digestion, detoxification, bone health, and has been traditionally used to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.

  • Organic Barley Grass: A nutrient-dense superfood high in vitamins A, C, and E, along with essential minerals. It aids digestion, supports immune and cardiovascular health, and has detoxifying properties.

  • Organic Wheat Grass: Known for its high chlorophyll content, it detoxifies, boosts oxygen supply to tissues, supports immune function, and aids digestion by regulating metabolism.

  • Organic Broccoli Powder: Rich in vitamins C and K, fibre, and antioxidants like sulforaphane, it supports immune health, digestion, and may reduce cancer risk and inflammation.

  • Organic Kale: A superfood high in vitamins A, C, and K, fibre, and antioxidants. It supports digestion, heart health, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Organic Chlorella: A nutrient-rich algae known for detoxification, immune support, and providing essential nutrients like B12 and antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress.

  • Organic Spirulina: High in protein, vitamins, and antioxidants like phycocyanin. It supports immune health, reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, and helps manage diabetes.

  • Organic Monk Fruit Extract: A natural, zero-calorie sweetener rich in antioxidants, it doesn’t spike blood sugar and has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

  • Probiotic (Bacillus coagulans): A resilient probiotic that supports gut health, boosts immunity, and helps treat IBS symptoms, promoting balanced digestion and nutrient absorption.


How to use: 

Mix one tablespoon (10g) with 250mL of cold water, juice, coconut water, or your favourite morning drink. Stir and Enjoy.



FDA Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with your healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Individual results from the use of these products may vary and are not guaranteed.

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您是否曾经觉得您的大脑需要提升?无论您是在努力保持注意力、保留信息还是想出创造性的想法,都有一些方法可以增强您的认知功能并释放大脑的全部潜力。一种选择是使用促智药,也称为“智能药物”,它们是旨在增强认知功能的补充剂或药物。 什么是促智药?促智药是可以改善认知功能的物质,包括记忆力、注意力、创造力和动机。它们通常是补充剂或药物,通过增加大脑的血流量、提高神经递质水平或改善脑细胞通讯来发挥作用。 促智药的好处:促智药可以为认知增强提供一系列益处,具体取决于促智药的具体类型和个人的需求。一些常见的好处包括: 改善记忆:促智药可以增强短期和长期记忆,使人更容易回忆信息和学习新事物。 提高注意力:促智药可以帮助您保持警觉和专注,从而更轻松地完成任务并保持正轨。 增强创造力:一些促智药可以帮助增强创造力并产生新想法,这对艺术家、作家和其他创意专业人士特别有帮助。 改善情绪和动力:促智药可以帮助改善情绪和动力,使人更容易保持积极态度并参与活动。 有许多促智药可供选择,每种都有其自身的好处。以下是我们最喜欢的一些: 亚甲蓝是一种被发现具有增强认知功能的化合物。研究表明,亚甲蓝可以提高记忆力、注意力和处理速度。它的作用是增加大脑的氧气输送,促进新脑细胞的生长,并保护现有细胞免受损伤。亚甲蓝还有助于增加神经递质的产生,这对于大脑的正常功能至关重要。此外,它已被证明具有抗氧化特性,有助于减少大脑中的炎症和氧化应激。 Qualia Min d是复杂系统建模、神经生物学、有机化学领域的顶尖科学家以及数十位医学博士和博士学位广泛研究和开发的结果。 Qualia Mind 含有 28 种精心挑选的成分,可增强多个主要神经系统的注意力、记忆力和思维清晰度。通过支持身体自身上调关键神经递质和关键通路以实现最佳大脑功能的能力,Qualia Mind 可以带来即时和长期的认知健康益处。无论您是想提高工作效率、增强记忆力还是增强动力,Qualia Mind 都能满足您的需求。 Cognibiotics是一种革命性的促智混合物,可通过增强肠道细菌来改善大脑健康、思维清晰度、学习能力、记忆力和注意力。这种尖端配方旨在帮助缓解脑雾、拖延、放松和平衡压力反应。 Cognibiotics 结合了 17 种促智和适应原草本植物以及 10 种对大脑有益的益生菌菌株,可提供一系列益处来支持您的认知功能、情绪和整体健康。 有关改善大脑性能的完整产品列表,请参阅我们的大脑健康与优化类别 “促智药”一词通常与它们改善认知表现的潜力相关,包括记忆力、注意力和心理处理。然而,促智药的真正定义超出了这一共识。促智药是满足特定标准的化合物,例如具有出色的安全性、得到人类研究的支持以及具有大脑保护特性。换句话说,真正的促智药不仅能增强大脑功能,还能促进大脑健康和福祉。因此,促智药的重点不仅在于短期的认知增益,还在于长期的大脑发育和保护。通过滋养和支持大脑,促智药提供了增强认知能力的整体方法,同时确保安全并促进长期大脑健康。
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